My toy is intended as a game for cats and their owners. The biggest design challenge I recognized is actually getting a cat interested in anything I made as they are pretty temperamental and aloof at the best of times. Also I am allergic to cats, so my interaction with them has to be a little distant making playing tricky.
* Disclaimer: Let it be known that this cat (Lucy) just gave birth to kittens last weekend, so she was especially disinterested in me, therefore the fact that I got any response was a win in my opinion.
Subject: Cat
- No opposable thumbs
- Bad attitude
- Four legs
- Interacts with mouth a lot
- Near the ground
- Instinct for chasing things
- A known allergen
- Interaction is twofold:
- The human controls the "reel"
- The cat interacts with/chases the "bait"
- The reel is designed with a simple ON/OFF knob that allows for easy interaction with the human
- The bait is a colorful little bag sure to catch a cats eye that moves in an interesting way to play on the hunting instincts of the cat.
- The bait is also soft cloth and nontoxic accounting for the possibility that the cat might get it in its mouth at some point.
- The interaction is designed to maintain some distance to reduce possibility of allergy attack.
The Device:
The circuit is a dc motor controlled by a potentiometer
The Code:
- To improve upon this design I would like to be able to reel OUT as well as IN. The circuit and code would have to be changed to allow for a polarity change to get the dc motor to spin backwards.
- Also speed control with the potentiometer would be another possible improvement.
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