Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Final - Ideation

No Pennies Plz

     Basically a semi-smart piggy bank. A device with a mounted LCD screen that logs how much money you have in change you put in it. The idea comes from my own problem with my current change collection system. I have a can on my bookshelf that I just throw my spare change in. The issue is I never know how much change I have and it is totally unsorted. I personally don't like pennies, so I think implementing a toss out of any pennies added would be a fun gimmick to give the device a bit more depth and interaction. The final device would accept and sort dimes, nickels, and quarters in different slots, adding each value to a total that would display on the LCD screen.
  • who is the target audience?
    • Anyone who collects change and is too bougie for pennies.

  • does your project solve an existing need?
    • It solves the need for an attractive change collection and sorting device

  • does your project enhance an existing interaction or human behavior?
    • It enhances the behavior of collecting change into an efficient and organized system

  • what parts do you need, how much do they cost, and when are they due to arrive?
    • I need a couple of optical emitter and sensor pairs
    • They are quite cheap and I'm probably going to buy them at Tinkersphere

  • what, if any, hardware, mechanical devices, and/or movements will your project involve?
    • It will involve the photo switches to log each coin that goes through each slot
    • The LCD screen will show the total money in the bank.
    • I might have the device shoot out any pennies added (hence the name!)

  • what, if any, Arduino, Processing, or other software applications or libraries will your project use?
    • I will only need Arduino to implement this design
    • I will be using the EEPROM to store the total

  • who are your team members
    • I am doing this project alone.
    • I am a Sociology major in Gallatin.
    • I am better at the physical designing and building but not bad at coding
    • However I will be doing all the labor

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Data Visualization Labs

Experiment #1: Visualizing a single series of data

Experiment #2: Visualizing the comparison of multiple sets of data

Experiment #3: Animated visualization

I used a photoresistor to sense the light in a room and then transferred that data through Serial to processing and visualized it.

I could easily slow down the animation process to show the change in light over a longer period of time


The device and animation could be used to test the different light levels in different rooms in real time (like if you were looking to rent a new apt. or something!)

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Motor Labs

Controlling a servo motor from a Processing program

Controlling DC Motor with Potentiometer


Controlling Motor with Processing
